Is this you?

  • You’ve been dealing with period pain all your life and have always questioned endo, yet you’ve always been told “period pain is normal for women.”

  • You’ve got endometriosis, but no one has actually ever helped you with your symptoms, you have just been told to “go on the pill.”

  • You’ve been on the pill your whole life, and want to come off of it, but have no idea how.

  • You’re scared that if you come off the pill, you might fall pregnant, when you really do not want to.

Our Endometriosis Masterclass

This speciality dual masterclasses combination will cover absolutely everything you need to get started with endometriosis and coming off the pill. We cover the 101 of your menstrual cycle, how to detect ovulation, what even is ovulation and those pesky symptoms that can arise post pill. We uncomplicate endometriosis and bring light to the how, what, when, where why of endo and what you can do to help your symptoms.

We’ll chat about supplements, herbs, diet, acupuncture, lifestyle and all the things involved with tracking your cycle, knowing reproduction and understanding endometriosis.

At the risk of sounding like we’re bragging (I mean, we totally are), this masterclass is not one to miss. With over 30 years combined in the health and fertility field, Miranda and Jackie will drop knowledge bombs, leaving you blown away. We will take all that sciencey stuff, and make it make sense for you.

So let’s do it.

Whether you’re an endo warrior yourself, you have a friend that needs help, you’re a practitioner that needs some knowledge refreshment or, you just simply love this stuff, come join us.

Over two consecutive weeks, join our LIVE masterclasses. Each going for 1 hour, with live Q&A at the end.

Masterclass 1

Know Your Cycle. Period.

Tuesday 21st March 7.30pm – 8:30pm AEDT

One fee of $34

Hosted by Jackie Frangeskakis (BHSc. NutMed)

Masterclass 2

Ending Endo

Tuesday 28th March 7.30pm – 8:30pm AEDT

One fee of $34

Hosted by Dr. Miranda Myles (MAppSc- Acupuncture, BHSc- Naturopathy., BA)

Get both Masterclasses!

Know Your Cycle. Period. + Ending Endo

Get both Masterclasses for $57! (Save $11)

  • Know Your Cycle. Period. – Tuesday 21st March 7.30pm – 8:30pm AEDT | Hosted by Jackie Frangeskakis (BHSc. NutMed)
  • Ending Endo – Tuesday 21st March 7.30pm – 8:30pm AEDT | Hosted by Dr. Miranda Myles (MAppSc- Acupuncture, BHSc- Naturopathy., BA)